Due to the public health situation with the novel Coronavirus, we are suspending our fencing practices until further notice.

2019-2020 Fencing Season Update
Practices will continue at the East Broadway location through this fall.
Intermediate fencing class runs 7:30-9pm Thursday. Beginners can be accommodated but must provide their own equipment. The club has a limited selection of gear that can be loaned, but it is not kept on site.
Advanced fencing runs 9pm onward.
Private lessons can be scheduled for Tuesday or Thursday evenings. Please consult with Morgan re: available time slots.
Membership fees are here.
New Location for 2019
Starting January 3, 2019, we will be meeting on Thursdays at 341 East Broadway. Practice runs from 7:30-10:30pm. Bring your own fencing equipment, as there will not be an armoury of club gear to borrow from.
Private lessons are available, but there will be no entry-level classes. This practice is for experienced fencers only.
Beginner classes, children's classes, and after-school youth programs are on hold as we explore new facilities in which we can host them. If you are a current participant in any of our fencing classes offered through Britannia Community Centre, and would like to continue fencing at the new location, contact us for information about how to get involved.